The number one way for our members to affect the legislative process is to build good old-fashion relationships, or social capital, with elected officials to educate them on the different roles in nursing. Social Capital is the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively. When you build a relationship with your local elected officials, you are building social capital.
Legislators probably do not know why you chose to become a nurse, how much schooling and training you went through, the licensure requirements, or that you can and do much more than take blood pressure and administer medication. Building that relationship allows you the opportunity to educate the legislator about the different roles nurses have, as well as their expertise at the RN or APRN levels.
It’s always best to build the relationship before you need to ask a legislator for a vote or for help on something. Social Capital works both ways—become a resource for them too! When elected officials get to know you personally, they are more likely to pick up the phone when you call, and equally important, they are more likely to pick up the phone and call you when they have a health policy related question.
Nurse's Day on the Hill We invite all RNs, APRNs, and Nursing Students to join us at our Annual Nurses Day on the Hill. It's a full day of advocacy, networking with nurses from across the state, learning about issues, and meeting with legislators. |
Here are more links that will help you be a great nursing advocate:
TN General Assembly Website
TNA 2023 - 2024 Legislative & Health Policy Statement
How a bill becomes a law in TN
Are you politically fit?
How to find your legislator
Legislative Advocacy Basic Handbook
ANA Policy and Advocacy
#NursesVote Action Center
Social Media Tips: Advocating for Access to Healthcare in Tennessee